Results for 'Jasna S. Šakota-Mimica'

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    Descartes' idea of the prevalence of reason.Jasna S. Šakota-Mimica - 1996 - Theoria 39 (4):71-96.
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    Ratio indifferens.Jasna S. Šakota-Mimica - 1995 - Theoria 38 (1):7-28.
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    Dodir duse i tela.Jasna Sakota-Mimica - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (26):123-156.
    Dans ce m?moire nous nous proposons d?examiner le rapport qu?il peut y avoir entre, d?une part, le dualisme de Descartes et, de l?autre, son affirmation que l?homme repr?sente une unit? substantielle de l??me et de corps. En effet, nous nous effor?ons de d?montrer qu?en voulant concilier sa conception de la diff?rence r?elle avec sa propre d?finition de l??tre humain, le philosophe ne s?appuyait pas seulement sur St. Augustin mais aussi bien sur St. Thomas d?Aquin. U ovom se radu ispituje odnos (...)
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    Descartesove ispovijesti.Jasna Šakota-Mimica - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):145-159.
    U tekstu se traga za vezom između Descartesovih životnih obrata i razloga zbog kojih filozof u Raspravi o metodi i Meditacijama o prvoj filozofiji primjenjuje ispovjednički način pisanja. Takvo nastojanje otkriva posebnu ulogu maske pod kojom se Descartes namjerava prvi put pojaviti pred javnošću. Iako masku spominje još u dnevničkim bilješkama, on je konačno oblikuje, i to kao ‘osobu’, tek s otkrićem cogito, dakle, u vrijeme dok piše Raspravu o metodi. U tom mu djelu ‘osoba’, shvaćena kao čist razum, daje (...)
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  5. Dekartova metafizika tela.Jasna Šakota Mimica - 2006 - Pančevo: Mali Nemo.
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    Metaphor Production by Patients with Schizophrenia – A Case Analysis.Kristina Š Despot, M. Sekulić Sović, M. Vilibić & N. Mimica - 2021 - Metaphor and Symbol 36 (3):119-140.
    It is well evidenced that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate impairments of figurative language comprehension. Their metaphor production has not attracted nearly as much scholarly attention. W...
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    Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de Matteis.Jasna Sersic - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):142-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de MatteisJasna SersicAffective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body BY FEDERICO DE MATTEIS New York, NY: Routledge, 2021What is architectural space? For architects, urban planners, and all involved in the design and transformation of the environment, space is a central subject. However, despite this fact, nobody accurately states what space is all about. As a result, the concept of (...)
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    Djeca i mladi kao konzumenti masovnih medija. Etika i tržišne manipulacije potrebama mladih.Jasna Burić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (4):629-634.
    Tržište masovnih medija velikim je svojim dijelom okrenuto djeci i mladima. Sadržaji koji se nude mladima u masovnim medijima, nadilaze, u negativnome smislu, nekoć obrazovne i poticajne školske primjere edukativnih programa ili časopisa za djecu. U medijskome prostoru prevladavaju sadržaji koji vrijeđaju dostojanstvo mlade osobe, koji manipuliraju njihovim potrebama, te koji potiču mlade na izbor lišen svakih vrijednosti, gdje je sve relativno i ništa sigurno. Autorica propitkuje trendove u modernim medijima lišenima svake odgovornosti, obligacija i sankcija. Pokušava definirati značajke medija (...)
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    Impacts of Entrepreneurial Openness and Creativity on Company Growth.Žiga Peljko & Jasna Auer Antončič - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Entrepreneurs as individuals are the main drivers of entrepreneurship and possess distinct personality characteristics. The study focused on entrepreneurial openness and creativity on the entrepreneurial level relative to business growth. Hypotheses were developed and empirically tested in structural equation models using survey data obtained from SMEs’ entrepreneurs in three countries. This study adds to what is known about entrepreneurship and small business management in terms of normative research on firm growth by empirically examining the relationships between the entrepreneurial openness, creative (...)
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    (1 other version)Stavovi učenika i učitelja o vrednovanju i ocjenjivanju u nastavi Glazbene kultureAttitudes of students and teachers on evaluation and grading in the teaching of Music Culture.Amir Begić, Jasna Šulentić Begić & Valentina Šmitpeter - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 26 (2):77-101.
    Vrednovanje i ocjenjivanje u nastavi Glazbene kulture važna je sastavnica odgojno-obrazovnog procesa koja sa sobom nosi razne poteškoće i subjektivnost. U nastavi Glazbene kulture realiziraju se različite glazbene aktivnosti i sadržaji, koji su više ili manje specifični te se navedeno odražava i na vrednovanje i ocjenjivanje. Navedene aktivnosti i sadržaji u okviru Kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Glazbena kultura za osnovne škole i Glazbena umjetnost za gimnazije organizirane su u okviru tri domene/nastavna područja: Slušanje i upoznavanje glazbe, Izražavanje glazbom i uz glazbu (...)
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    Glazbene preferencije mlađih adolescenata.Amir Begić & Jasna Šulentić Begić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):143-165.
    Music plays an important role for adolescents since personal and social identities are formed during this period of life, but they also build musical preferences. Within this paper, an online survey was conducted, which included 200 respondents, i.e. primary school students from five Croatian counties aged 13 and 14. The aim of the research was to find out the musical preferences of students and whether sociodemographic variables and music teaching influence their preferences. The girls showed a slightly greater preference for (...)
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    A cyborg ontology in health care: traversing into the liminal space between technology and person-centred practice.Jennifer Lapum, Suzanne Fredericks, Heather Beanlands, Elizabeth McCay, Jasna Schwind & Daria Romaniuk - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (4):276-288.
    Person‐centred practice indubitably seems to be the antithesis of technology. The ostensible polarity of technology and person‐centred practice is an easy road to travel down and in their various forms has been probably travelled for decades if not centuries. By forging ahead or enduring these dualisms, we continue to approach and recede, but never encounter the elusive and the liminal space between technology and person‐centred practice. Inspired by Haraway's work, we argue that healthcare practitioners who critically consider their cyborg ontology (...)
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    Reporting violations of European Charter of Patients’ Rights: analysis of patient complaints in Croatia.Ana Marušić, Marin Viđak & Jasna Karačić - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe European Charter of Patients' Rights (ECPR) presents basic patients' rights in health care. We analysed the characteristics of patients' complaints about their rights submitted through the official complaints system and to a non-governmental organization in Croatia.MethodsThe official system for patients’complaints in Croatia does not have a common pathway but offers different modes for addressing patient complaints. In this cross-sectional study, we analysed the reports about patients’ complaints from the official regional committees sent to the Ministry of Health. We also (...)
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    V budoucnosti spadne nové operní umění s nebe z čista jasna: moderní problémy opery.Petr Kofroň - 2002 - Brno: Host.
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    Relation between Quality of Pleasure and Quantity of Pleasure in J. S. Mill's Theory of Utilitarianism.Pavel Janda - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-18.
    Práce si klade za cíl kriticky prozkoumat teorii J. S. Milla o rozlišení kvalitativní a kvantitativní charakteristice požitků (pleasure). Mill svoji teorii představil jako reakci na kritiku, že utilitární teorie vyhovuje jen zvířecí povaze lidské přirozenost a neuvažuje o vyšších schopnostech lidského ducha. Millova expozice teorie ale není v mnoha pasážích zcela jasná a průhledná. Práce se zaměřuje hlavně na prozkoumání problematického vztahu mezi kvantitativní stránkou a kvalitativní stránkou potěšení.
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    O egzystencjalnej komunikacji w sztuce i literaturze. Igraszki filozofów.Jacek Aleksander Prokopski - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (2):181-204.
    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy problemu egzystencjalnej komunikacji w sztuce i literaturze. Problemu, który został przedstawiony i zanalizowany w oparciu o klasyczne teksty S. Kierkegaarda, G.W.F. Hegla, F.W.J. Schellinga, z odniesieniem do polskich klasyków estetyki, choćby R. Ingardena, W. Tatarkiewicza czy St. Ossowskiego. W artykule nie zabrakło także stałych odniesień do takich postaci, jak Don Juan Mozarta, Faust Goethego oraz sędzia Wilhelm Kierkegaarda. Taki dobór autorów, jak i literackich postaci, pozwolił na zderzenie dwóch punktów widzenia na kwestię komunikacji – subiektywnej i obiektywnej. (...)
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    Darwinova nevarna ideja: in druge zgodbe o vesoljih, ljudeh in molekulah.Sašo Dolenc - 2006 - Ljubljana: Kvarkadabra -- Društvo za tolmačenje znanosti.
    Dr. Sašo Dolenc je nedvomno med našimi najuspešnejšimi avtorji na področju poljudne znanosti, saj mu uspeva zapletene znanstvene dosežke razložiti širši javnosti na jasen in zanimiv način s tem, da ostane pri tej razlagi natančen in znanstven. Serija njegovih člankov je izredno pomembna, saj pokriva vsa področja moderne znanosti na nevsiljiv, skorajda lahkoten način, zato je prav, da jo imamo tudi v knjižni obliki. Na področju moderne poljudne znanosti smo v Sloveniji šibki, saj se naši znanstveniki v glavnem ne lotevajo (...)
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  18. Wittgenstein und Spengler.Rafael Ferber - 1991 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 73 (2):188-207.
    In his Vermischte Bemerkungen 43, Wittgenstein notices that he was also influenced by Oswald Spengler. The paper deals with the question of in which way Spengler influenced Wittgenstein’s late works and if it really was influence or only a coincidence of ideas. It is put forward that Spengler’s rather unknown philosophy of language influenced Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language, especially the concepts of family resemblance, antiessentialism, and language-game (Sprachspiel). A picture of the famous Neapolitan gesture of “negation” which motivated Wittgenstein to (...)
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  19. Art's detour: A clash of aesthetic theories.S. K. Wertz - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 100-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art's DetourA Clash of Aesthetic TheoriesS. K. Wertz (bio)Both John Dewey1 and Martin Heidegger2 thought that art's audience had to take a detour in order to appreciate or understand a work of art. They wrote about this around the same time (mid-1930s) and independently of one another, so this similar circumstance in the history of aesthetics is unusual since they come from very different philosophical traditions. What was it (...)
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  20. Plato's Simile of Light. Part I. The Similes of The Sun and The Line.A. S. Ferguson - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):131-.
    No part ot Plato's writings has been more debated than the three similes in Books VI.-VII. of the Republic, and still there is a diversity of opinion about their meaning. I believe that most of these difficulties arise from certain assumptions about their purpose which need revision. The current view applies the Cave to the Line, as Plato seems to direct, and this application, which is itself attended by considerable difficulties, leads to an assimilation of the two figures till they (...)
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  21. Konec se blíží? Kritické připomínky k teorii kolapsů.Petr Špecián - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (4):425-448.
    Studie poukazuje na tři základní slabiny současného českého diskurzu o kolapsech komplexních společností, jehož předním mluvčím se stal egyptolog Miroslav Bárta. Zaprvé nedošlo k vyrovnání s absencí vědeckého konsenzu ohledně determinantů historického vývoje a teorii, která by poskytla jednotící rámec pro zařazení a interpretaci konkrétních prediktorů kolapsu, byla věnována jen minimální pozornost. Zadruhé nebyla podána jasná odpověď na otázku, která společenská struktura je při studiu kolapsu vlastně předmětem zkoumání, přestože se volné přechody mezi rovinami kultur, států a civilizací nejeví z (...)
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  22. Deleuze's Larval Subject and the Question of Bodily TIme.Tano S. Posteraro - forthcoming - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale.
    This paper treats Deleuze's first synthesis of time and the corresponding concept of larval subjectivity by routing it through a biophilosophy of organism. I develop, out of my reading of Deleuze, a temporal concept of organismic subjectivity.
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    Book Reviews : Prayag Mehta, A Psychological Strategy for Alternative Human Development: India's Performance since Independence. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 252 pp. Rs 375.S. Elankumaran - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (1):86-90.
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    Augustine's City of God.S. L. Greenslade - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):261-.
  25. A szinthétikus jogbölcselet vázlata és történelmi kialakulásának főbb mozzanatai.József Hegedüs - 1930 - Budapest,: Politzer Zs. és fia.
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    Pojam biološkog napretka te informacija kao pokazatelj i mjera ontičkog (pri)rasta.Tonci Kokic & Josip Balabanic - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):119-134.
    The history of the idea of biological progress shows that it is not a selfexplanatory category, so a clear definition is required. Biological progress exists if: “more progressive” is defined as “more complex” – in that case evolution is synonymous with progress, i.e. development from simple to complex, from homogeneous to heterogeneous; we perceive the expression “more progressive” as more successful in relation to the environment, in these terms some groups in the history of life were more progressive because/so that (...)
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  27. Symposium on William Sweet's Idealism and Rights.S. Panagakou - 2002 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 9:99-164.
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  28. Russkai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ myslʹ kont︠s︡a XIX-nachala XX vv.S. P. Pozdneva, V. P. Baryshkov & V. V. Vari︠u︡khin (eds.) - 1993 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  29. Eudaimonia, human nature, and normativity : reflections on Aristotle's project in Nicomachean Ethics Book I.Øyvind Rabbås - 2015 - In Øyvind Rabbås, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, Hallvard Fossheim & Miira Tuominen (eds.), The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
  30. Vaiśeṣikasūtropaskāraḥ: "Prakāśikā" Hindīvyākhyopetaḥ. Śaṅkaramiśra - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambhā Saṃskr̥ta Saṃsthāna. Edited by Śrīnārāyaṇa Miśra & Ḍhuṇḍhirāja Śāstrī.
    Supercommentary on Praśastapādabhāṣya of Praśastapādācārya, commemtary on Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda, compendium of Vaiśeṣika philosophy.
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    İslam hukuk düşüncesinde iktidar ve meşruiyet.Abdurrahim Şen - 2020 - Fatih, İstanbul: Klasik.
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  32. Hermesova krila / Bogoljub Šijaković.Bogoljub Šijaković - 1994 - Beograd: Plato.
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  33. Composition and Mill's Utilitarian Principle.S. K. Wertz - 1971 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):417.
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    Recent Developments in China–U.S. Cooperation in Science.Caroline S. Wagner, Lutz Bornmann & Loet Leydesdorff - 2015 - Minerva 53 (3):199-214.
    China’s remarkable gains in science over the past 25 years have been well documented but it is less well known that China and the United States have become each other’s top collaborating country. Science and technology has been a primary vehicle for growing the bilateral relationship between China and the United States since the opening of relations between the two countries in the late 1970s. During the early 2000s, the scientific relationship between China and the United States—as measured in coauthored (...)
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    The five flavors and taoism: Lao Tzu's verse twelve.S. K. Wertz - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (3):251 – 261.
    In verse twelve of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu makes a curious claim about the five flavors; namely that they cause people not to taste or that they jade the palate. The five flavors are: sweet, sour, salt, bitter and spicy or hot as in 'heat'. To the Western mind, the claim, 'The five flavors cause them [persons] to not taste,' is counterintuitive; on the contrary, the presence of the five flavors in a dish or in a meal would (...)
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  36. Fire Transfigured in TS Eliot's Four Quartets in Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition. 2: The Airy Elements in Poetic Imagination.S. Abdoo - 1988 - Analecta Husserliana 23:89-100.
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  37. Aṣālat dar hunar va ʻilal-i inḥirāf-i iḥsās-i hunarmand.Aḥmad Ṣabūr Urdūbādī - 1968 - [1346 i.: E..
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  38. Ai athemitoi nomikai dichognōmiai. Dokimion genikēs theōrias tou dikaiou.Nikolaos K. Androulakēs - 1957
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  39. Svobodnoe vremi︠a︡ i nravstvennoe vospitanie: po materialam Vsesoi︠u︡znoĭ nauchno-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii v Baku, v aprele 1979 g.S. G. Arutiunian, N. B. Zhukova & I. Vsesoiuznaia Nauchno-Prakticheskaia Konferentsiia "Formirovanie Aktivnoi Zhiznennoi Pozitsii--Opyt (eds.) - 1979 - Moskva: Znanie.
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    al-Iʻtidāl al-fikrī wa-atharuhu fī ḥimāyat al-basharīyah: dirāsah taʼṣīlīyah fī ḍawʼ al-nuṣūṣ al-sharʻīyah.Bū ʻAṣṣāb & Saʻīd ibn Aḥmad - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Salām lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Tarjamah.
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    A consideration of Hunter's criticism of Lashley.S. H. Bartley & F. T. Perkins - 1931 - Psychological Review 38 (1):27-41.
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    Rossiĭskoe filosofskoe soobshchestvo i transli︠a︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ filosofskogo znanii︠a︡ na rubezhe XIX-XX vekov.N. G. Baranet︠s︡ - 2007 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Ulʹi︠a︡novskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet im. I.N. Ulʹi︠a︡nova.
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    Judicial review: a practising judge's perspective.S. Breyer - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (2):153-166.
    In this lecture Justice Breyer examines three classical criticisms of constitutional judicial review. Those criticisms say that a grant to unelected judges of the power to set aside legislation as contrary to a written constitution leads to judicial decision-making that is (a) undemocratic, (b) subjective, and impractical. Justice Breyer describes features of the constitutional decision-making that do not dictate results in individual cases, but none the less hold the judges' 'subjective' will in check. He also describes necessary judicial efforts to (...)
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    Mordecai Kaplan's Approach to Jewish Mysticism.S. Daniel Breslauer - 1995 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 4 (1):39-54.
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    From the Autobiographical Letters of S. T. Coleridge.S. T. Coleridge - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 2 (3-4):46-47.
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    Ho Foucault tēs philosophias kai tēs Aristeras.Kyrkos Doxiadēs - 2015 - Athēna: Nēsos.
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    Gower's Women in the Confessio.A. S. G. Edwards - 1990 - Mediaevalia 16:223-237.
  48. John Dillon, Dexippus, On Aristotle's Categories Reviewed by.S. J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (5):310-311.
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  49. Friedrich Nietzsche's politics of genius and its challenge for liberal-democratic Europe.S. Hicks & P. Zientkowski - 2013 - Ruch Filozoficzny 70 (4).
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    Colere deos: előadások a kultúráról és az üzleti erkölcsről.Ernest Joós - 1996 - Vörösberény: Balaton Akadémia.
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